Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 1

Today was day one of my new fitness quest. I feel as if it went pretty well. I started out the day with a bowl of Raisin Bran and skim milk. For lunch I had a 6" roasted chicken breast sandwich from Subway. For dinner I had a salad with light ranch and a chicken breast from Logans. I spent 30 minutes doing weights and the did one hour on the treadmill. I did first 30 minutes on the pre-programmed "foothills" routine and then the last 30 minutes I did 3.2 mph at an 8% incline. I felt really good after my workout. I think I got off to a pretty good start. I need to be more careful with my dinner choices, because there is too much tempation at places like Logan's. Overall I'd rate the fitness day as a 7 out of 10.

1 comment:

cheerful said...

See day one wasn't so bad..you did good..stay on track and stay away from any restaurants and fast foods for a least 2 weeks...but do not let your body crave anything..give it what it wants but just in smaller portions. Your body knows what it needs and it will let you know what is good or bad for you. Starve it from what it wants and you will find yourself stuffing your face with a whole lot of crap and not even know why your doing it.Keep on with normal healthy eating and exersice and you'll be losing weight in no time:) Good Luck